‘Find Direction’ – Coaching Worksheet Pack


An introduction and 5 worksheet exercises in pdf form to help you find direction in your life!


Feeling stuck or unsure of your life's direction? The "Find Direction" coaching worksheet pack can help!

This pack is for you if:

  • You're feeling stuck in a rut and need a change.
  • You're looking for more clarity and purpose in your life.
  • You want to design a life that aligns with your values.

Developed by a coach with over 10 years of experience, these 5 guided exercises are the most effective tools I've found to help clients find direction.

What's included?

  • Discovering Your Pillars of Success: Forget what others say! This exercise helps you define what success truly means to you.
  • Designing the Life You Want: Explore different future possibilities using design-thinking concepts. Gain powerful insights to focus on the life you desire.
  • Find Your Ikigai: Inspired by the Japanese concept of Ikigai, this exercise helps you discover the intersection of your passions, talents, and the world's needs. Create a life filled with purpose and balance.
  • Your Compass Point: Feeling lost? This exercise helps you identify your "north star" - your guiding principle for making future decisions. Navigate life with greater ease and clarity.
  • Writing Your Eulogy: It might sound morbid, but this is a powerful exercise in perspective. What do you want your life's legacy to be? Gain clarity on your priorities and focus on what truly matters.

Stop feeling lost and start finding direction! Get your "Find Direction" coaching worksheet pack today!


About the Author

Hi, I'm Stephen! 👋 I'm a life coach and business psychologist based in Bristol, UK. I work with clients to make improvements in their professional and personal lives - leading to clients feeling clearer, calmer and more fulfilled. I also create templates, worksheets and resources to help people make positive changes and find more fulfilment in their lives. If this sounds like your cup of tea, then why not sign-up to my newsletter and join a growing community of friendly, curious people interested in personal growth, self-development and improvement. I share quick, practical tips from the world of coaching, psychology and self-improvement. Alternatively, check out my blog, or click here to see how we could work together.


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